The Sausage Making: Biden Says He And Manchin ‘Are Going To Get Something Done’
<p><em>Your intermittent briefing on negotiations over the reconciliation bill.</em></p> <p>President Joe Biden told reporters Tuesday that he still thinks “there’s a possibility of getting Build Back Better done.”</p> <p>When asked if Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) had broken his word, Biden opted for diplomacy. </p> <p>“Senator Manchin and I are going to get something done,” he said. </p> <div class="wp-block-tpm-separator undefined TpmSeparator"></div> <h2><strong>No Bridges Burnt?</strong></h2> <ul><li>Biden isn’t the only one keeping lines of communication open with Manchin (“Some people think maybe I’m not Irish because I don’t hold a grudge,” Biden quipped.) </li><li>Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) reached out to Manchin Tuesday morning and asked him to agree to the framework Biden said Manchin had committed to back in the fall: A one-year child tax credit extension, Affordable Care Act subsidies, universal pre-K, money for climate change mitigation, etc. Jayapal essentially asked Manchin to take the House reconciliation bill and cross off what he wouldn’t support, <a href="">according to the Washington Post</a>. </li><li>The conversation comes on the heels of Jayapal’s fairly brutal <a href="">takedown</a> of Manchin Monday, where she said that he’s shown a “lack of integrity” and that his word can’t be trusted going forward in negotiations. </li><li>Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), characterizing the reconciliation bill as dead, is <a href="">pushing</a> for his version of the child tax credit. While Democrats would surely hate that it’s paid for by cutting other programs designed to fight poverty, the <a href="">surprisingly generous</a> proposal may get more juice if Democrats can’t pass any version of the reconciliation bill — or if they can only find the votes for one that omits the CTC. Like everything in the filibuster-controlled Senate, though, it’d be an uphill battle to pass through regular order. No other Republican senators have yet come out for Romney’s proposal.</li></ul> <h2><strong>Coal for Christmas </strong></h2> <ul><li>The United States’ biggest coal mining union <a href="">asked</a> Manchin to reconsider his stance on the reconciliation bill. </li><li>“We’re likely to lose coal jobs whether or not this bill passes,” the union’s chief lobbyist <a href="">told the Post</a>. “If that’s the case, let’s figure out a way to provide as many jobs as possible for those who are going to lose.” The tax incentives in the reconciliation bill, he argued, is the way to do that.</li></ul>